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#122 Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen

The Power of Asking.

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Mark Victor Hansen is probably best known as the co-author for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and brand, setting world records in book sales, with over 500 million books sold. He is also a prolific writer with 307 books authored or co-authored, including The Aladdin Factor, The Power of Focus, The Richest Kids in America, The Miracles in You, You Have a Book in You, and the One Minute Millionaire series. Mark also worked his way into a worldwide spotlight as a sought-after keynote speaker and entrepreneurial marketing maven. He is a charismatic speaker having spoken to 7,000 audiences in 78 countries.


His wife Crystal Dwyer Hansen is a business strategist and successful entrepreneur, speaker, and author in the US and China. Crystal, also known as the “celebrity coach,” is a certified life coach and wellness/nutrition expert, whose personal coaching, speaking, CD and video programs, books, and articles have helped people all over the world. Crystal is a Member of the International Coaching Federation and the founder of Crystal Vision Life, Ltd, ( and Skinny Life®, a wellness company ( Crystal is also the author of Skinny Life: The Real Secret to Being Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit.


Mark and Crystal are heavily engaged and invested in clean, renewable energy through ownership in two companies, Metamorphosis Energy and Natural Power Concepts, based in Hawaii.


Mark Crystal Hansen and Crystal Dwyer Hansen talk to Ed Andrew about their new book Ask! The bridge from your dreams to your destiny. 


Talking points:


  • "are you doing everything you can to get out of this or are you taking the easy route" - Crystal talking about her own journey. The questions changed my life - answer them honestly, 


  • dealing with ego when dealing when at the height of pain - interviewed 26 superstars - "how do I get here" 


  • "life is created from the inside out" - it requires time to do the retrospective journey, what is getting in the way - the 7 Roadblocks to asking (17)


"so many people will pass by amazing opportunities because they know better" - could have avoided so much pain, turmoil and trouble by leaning on others by not thinking you should have all the answers - (21)


  • discussing how you have to be a good self leader before you can lead anyone else - (25)


  • having an awareness that this is not working and be open to starting something new - stories are one of the easiest ways to accelerate our learning - prepare to be a good asker (28)


  • jumping into the quantum soup, taking action and visualisation - (31)


  • the heart cannot manipulate emotions, is your value equation in balance - (32)


  • manifesting and the Universe, the Universe will question you until you really want it - being turned down by 144 publishers, working with Jack Canfield, feel good about asking - (34)


  • working with with Buckminster Fuller, discussing David Attenborough as the smartest guy on the planet - 


"don’t be fraud to a little vulnerable, in awe and genuine"


  • if you are intrinsically heart centred then the world will create for you - discussing unlimited energy, studying the Upanishads "out of abundance, here he took abundance and still abundance remains" 


  • discussing radiant energy and Einstein E=MC2 explanation 


  • the elevation of soul consciousness “Healing Hands” by Olga Worrall - you have to be at the precipice of consciousness


"the day before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water and the day after enlightenment you chop wood and carry water - Buddha and not becoming righteous (57) 


“all success comes out of the asking journey to get to your destination”


To contact Mark and Crystal click on the links below, if you purchase the book send the receipt to the email address below and join in the private facebook group. 
















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Ed Andrew is the host of Human Impact. Initially a lawyer in London Ed has for the past 20 years been a global entrepreneur. He battled prostate cancer at 42 and is now one of the world's leading career coaches and life strategists helping people learn how to thrive at home and work. 


“One of the great joys of a podcast is that people realise there are other people like them and at least once a week or once a day to do something out of the ordinary so that their life can have a new horizon - and that is what your program does"


“Great podcast host! Prepared well for our conversation and asked relevant and interesting questions. Our conversation flowed very well. Highly recommended"


“I had the honor of going on the Ed Andrew's podcast, as well as interviewing him on the Humans 2.0 podcast. Ed has the ability to penetrate an individual's perceptual apparatus to give them a glimpse of who THEY REALLY ARE which is a 21st-century superpower. I highly recommend checking out Ed's show and his consulting services"


“I have been interviewed on a number of podcasts recently and been intrigued by the different approaches the interviewers take. Some view it as a conversation, others an interrogation. This interview with Ed Andrew was definitely one of the more enjoyable ones!"


“I so appreciate you kind words and support, Ed. Your podcast taught both of my parents new things about me just by listening. Thanks for making it happen"


“You really held space and created a safe and open environment for me to share a vulnerable part of my path. I'm forever grateful for this and your friendship Ed. Cheers to slowing down and asking ourselves some powerful reflective questions."


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